2 min read

things i think about while powerwashing 40

Hello friends, I have been away in the woods. Not really, but that sounded cool to say.

The past few weekends have all been very busy, as have the weeks. I'm feeling comfortable at work – so I spend even more time and effort working and getting more done. I've been hanging out with friends almost every day. The magic of late summer is alive here in the South Bay.

After my last post, I went hiking in Portola Redwoods State Park. Though it's just a few miles into the Santa Cruz Mountains, I had never really found myself in the area. And boy, is it magical. The redwood groves that you step through feel like you're in a fantasy forest, with the light streaming through the leaves and gently touching the undergrowth.

The soft ground underfoot is easy on the knees – even a little springy. You're not going to get any views at the end of the hike, but you'll enjoy the journey there.

I've been taking a lot less film photos lately just because I've been so busy. I will definitely be trying to get back on the train, but to be honest I've been a little concerned with my film metering. I don't think that my metering skills are as good as they used to be. Maybe I'm rushing too much, thinking about the next thing.

That's what happens when life is busy. Three weeks rush by and you're still thinnking about the thing that happened in June. Just a reminder for everyone to live in the moment and take a breather. It'll be there later!


I think from the moment of this writing until the end of the month, I am going to just shoot film. It will be kind of scary since I feel like I've been dealing with worse and worse lighting conditions, but I think it'll be worth it to stop and take a photo as opposed to just shooting over and over and over again.

I've also stopped developing color film by myself – the process is not that hard, but still fairly tedious. I leave that stuff to the people at Foto Express and The Darkroom.

Otherwise, my photography has definitely been trending up. I've been going out and shooting photos almost every week (planned or unplanned) and been going back to some of my old RAW files and re-editing to my new taste. Also, my new printer is awesome.

pet of the week

It was international cat day when I was gone so here is Simba, the one and only cat.