things i think about while powerwashing 106

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As most people do during the New Year, I resolved to get on a healthier diet. And at the recommendation of esteemed subscriber Leo Liu, I endeavored to make use of Costco's same day delivery in order to get the frozen chicken breast that would propel to me a healthy diet. I would return to my standard diet meal of frozen chicken breast and kimchi, I had decided. I definitely would not crack in this supremely healthy and spartan diet.
Without thinking, I added the chicken breast to my online cart and checked out.
Early in Monday's afternoon, I opened my door to 16.5 pounds of frozen chicken breast.
To put that in perspective, this is my freezer after storing all the chicken breast.

Let's further put this into perspective.
- Simba, my cat, is 15 to 16 pounds. So this is the equivalent of my cat, in chicken breast.
- A standard adult hen is, according to Google, 9 pounds.
- The Instacart guy gave me a weird amused look when he dropped off my food. Which is somehow extremely embarrassing. Which also means the doormen in my building registered that I had ordered 16.5 pounds of frozen chicken breast.
After all these thoughts processed through my mind, I made up my mind that I was going to eat all of it. Healthy or not, I was going to find a new way to cook chicken breast almost daily and here thus the newest section of my newsletter has been born: <insert pounds of frozen chicken breast left> pounds of frozen chicken breast
Now, a call for help. Please send me your most exciting chicken breast recipes. I will make sure to credit you for them every week!
13.8 pounds of frozen chicken breast
Good news: 2.7 pounds of chicken breast consumption has not made me throw up at the idea of chicken breast. That's good because I have 13.8 more pounds to go!
Chicken breast tip of the week: after defrosting, if you cut criss-crosses on it and salt it and leave it be for a bit it'll be a lot juicier if you didn't!

One of my favorite DoorDash meals of all time is a good halal plate. It's not that healthy, but it sure is delicious! I made it twice this week using this recipe and didn't make the rice. But I did make pita bread the second time! Surprisingly easy if you use Greek yogurt!
straight up chicken breast

Yeah I just did the criss-cross cut and salt-and-peppered this one. It was the first night and I wasn't really sure what I was going to do.
mouthwatering chicken

So in Chinese it's called 口水雞 and it's poached but as with the rest of my frozen chicken breast the ones I used were skinless and thus poaching did not offer much in the way of flavor. The chili oil I used was pretty good though! It's the extreme spicy one from Fly By Jing.
museum of the week
To walk off some of the chicken breast I ate, I decided to go to a local museum. I also wanted to go withdraw some cash, but I found out that despite the museum being part of the estate of the founder of the bank I use (sorry that was a terrible sentence. oh no it's getting longer) they did not have a Chase ATM.
That's right! I went to The Morgan — former home and library of the one and only J.P. Morgan.
The museum is made of two main sections — the older part that J.P. Morgan himself used and a newer portion that opened in the 1990s. The newer portion has a nice cafe that seems like it would be nice to work in but the older parts are ... what you would think wealthy magnate like J.P. Morgan would have.
It's frankly quite breathtaking.
Walking into his library gives the sense of walking into a fantasy's castle records room. Cases of rare books line the main walkway, and as your eyes start to adjust to the darkness, the rather unsettling medieval figures depicted above the fireplace start to look back at you. And as you turn your gaze up, seemingly important historical figures grace the arches in the ceiling mosaic.
Most of this initial collection was, according to the centennial anniversary exhibit, assembled by both J.P. Morgan and his first chief librarian Bell da Costa Greene! They had a great exhibit detailing her life and the racial atmosphere of the time. Ah, which was relevant, because she was a woman with African American heritage who passed for white at the time! She had an amazing energy in her letters when she was trying to finangle some priceless acquisition.
The most interesting part about the museum to me is how serene it seemed to me. It was grand and opulent — it knew what it was and who owned it. Each exhibit was expertly crafted and formed a well flowing narrative (LOOKING AT YOU NATIONAL JAPAN MUSEUM) though the accompanying app (Bloomberg Connections) was suprisingly useless. Half of the audio recordings were basically the inscriptions read out loud which is nice but not exactly what I'm looking for.
I'd recommend this museum. It's a fun little peek into the crazy wealth the select few possessed back in the early 1900s — and how the people around them lived.

anonymous subscriber news
Thank you all for answering the anonymous subscriber question! Let's stay topic for today's: what would you do with 16.5 pounds of frozen chicken breast?
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- anonymous subscriber is reading anxious people and so far it is enjoyable
- anonymous subscriber wants to take more cat selfies
- anonymous subscriber's new years resolution is to finally break the miserable streak that was 2020-2024...for real this time....i mean it
- anonymous subscriber wants to read 15 books this year. And hit 300lbs on glute bridges >:)
- anonymous subscriber plans to read at least a few pages of a book every day
animal of the week

Unfortuantely not many submissions in this section. So we all get some Simba!!!! Here in this picture he looks like the huh cat.
Send me your animal photos at!
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