4 min read

things i think about while powerwashing 105

things i think about while powerwashing 105
Shortcut to anonymous subscriber submission link: https://forms.gle/2MABf8jNr2V8kEY87

With this first post of the new year — I guess it's as good of a time as any to reflect a little on my move to New York.

I remember the exact moment I decided to move here. I was sitting in a terminal at JFK waiting to board my flight to Iceland after a few days walking around town with friends. For three to four days, I took the train and walked all over town with friends, having fun, socializing, trying new restaurants. I texted my friends: I'm doing it, I'm going to move to New York.

Of course things don't work out exactly as we think.

I thought I'd be going out every day after work, but the work started piling up to be my after-work activity. Most days, the farthest I go after work is to the gym — especially in this cold. In some ways, I'm still the same little gaming gremlin after work. Even still, I have changed quite a bit.

I take more photos now. Casually just walking down the street or eating food with friends. Lazy afternoons hanging out in apartments or while strolling through Central Park. I'm also at the gym a lot more as well — thanks to esteemed subscriber Leo Liu! And every week I try to go to a new museum which has inspired a beginner-level interest in art.

The biggest change of all? I'm curious. I'm curious to see what my life will have in store every week. Even day by day, new adventures reveal themselves. In stark contrast to my home in the Bay Area where I felt like I'd seen everything, I'm learning and seeing new things every week.

Three months in, I'd say it's a success! Now onto the aforementioned museum of the week.

museum of the week

Once upon a time, I really really really wanted to be a CIA/FBI agent.

Seeing that I am now working at a startup, that is no longer the case. Honestly the CIA is probably a net-negative on the world. Is it? That's not the point. I went to a spy museum!

As opposed to your standard historical museum it was more of a ... spy experience. Aptly named SPYSCAPE and located near Lincoln Circle, the whole point of the experience was to learn about spies and also figure out why type of spy archetype we were (soooo $40 MBTI test? lol).

I honestly am still not sure what to think of the entire experience. It was undoubtedly fun, certainly somewhat bewildering. The questions, brain teasers and the exhibits were all great! One game had us locked in a tunnel and forced to push as many buttons as we could as some sort of fitness assessment. I got Intelligence Analyst as my designation (those who know me will remember I possess neither skills) and my friends and esteemed subscribers got spy handler and counterintelligence.

So would I recommend? Yes, for the general awareness on how surveillance works and the great exhibit on infamous CIA/KGB double agent Robert Hanssen. But if you're more into the historical aspect of spies ... I'd skip it. Probably a fun date idea?

anonymous subscriber news

We took a break and so did you all (the subscribers) so here's a fun question as we get back out of work: what's your new years resolution?

Submit here: https://forms.gle/2MABf8jNr2V8kEY87
  • anonymous subscriber is in solidarity with fellow anonymous subscribers crying on company time (panic? rage? who knows? shitty bosses are shitty)

animal of the week

cute turtle guy from taiwan

This week we have esteemed subscriber Ellie Wang contributing from the great country of Taiwan! In Ellie's words:

Hello I found this turtle in Shifen in the rain they were also selling like turtle food so I don’t think he was wild

Send me your animal photos at ryan@torrtle.co!